SOCAR has established a Visualisation Centre in SOCAR Tower for managing production operations from a single digital centre, holding special meetings in specialised areas, discussing large-scale and important projects, making operational decisions, as well as performing crisis and emergency management functions. The visualisation centre, which operates as a Crisis and Emergency Response Centre, was created based on the experience of the world’s leading companies in the oil and gas industry and was equipped with advanced technological equipment.
The Crisis and Emergency Response Plan (CERP) of SOCAR comprises the functions of the Crisis Centre at SOCAR’s Head office, the duties of the Crisis and Emergency Management Committee, the implementation of proper communication management, response measures, strategic management of effective, safe and rapid rescue and recovery operations and tasks on the elimination of potential negative consequences.
According to the approved CERP training schedule, coordinated management training events were organised between the Head Office and business units of SOCAR in 2022.
Organising practical training serves to correctly define roles and responsibilities in this field, to inculcate the habit of working systematically as a single team in the coordinator and commission members, and apply a flexible approach and the right decisions in case of real threats.
Such training is continuously held on an annual schedule in all business segments, including SOCAR's exploration, production, transportation, and processing sectors, at onshore and offshore facilities with high threat potential. Regular training camps is an important component of the reforms SOCAR conducts in QHSE.