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Vision zero

SOCAR has developed the Vision Zero Programme to increase the safety of operations in SOCAR Tower and business units, ensure health, minimise the impact on the environment, achieve an industry without industrial accidents, injuries, and occupational diseases, enhance the culture of sustainable health, occupational safety, and environmental protection, and improve the social welfare of employees.

The Vision Zero Programme includes a new approach to operational sustainability and enhancement of the HSE culture. The goal and scope of the Vision Zero Programme are to achieve an industry that is free of industrial accidents, injuries, occupational illnesses and environmental pollution.

The concept of the Vision Zero Programme is agile and can be adapted to safety, health, environment or welfare priorities to prevent negative impacts in any context.

Workplace accidents and occupational diseases steam from various reasons. In this connection, the programme eliminates these reasons by enhancing the preventive HSE culture in enterprises.

The Six rules of the programme form a road map based on successful and practical management concepts. By strengthening the preventive HSE culture in enterprises, potential risk causes are eliminated, while accidents, damage, and occupational diseases related to operations are prevented.

Why Vision Zero?

  • Every incident should be preventable.
  • Serious occupational diseases, production and serious traffic accidents should not occur.
  • Employee safety must be ensured; injuries and deaths must be reduced to "zero".
  • Negative effects on the environment should be minimised.
  • Social projects and reforms should be implemented to improve the social welfare of employees.

The Vision Zero Programme consists of three implementation phases:

- The Implementation phase envisages how the programme is conducted;

- The Supervision - Monitoring phase envisages performance control, process monitoring, and defects detection;

- The Improvement phase intends to eliminate the previous defects, taking appropriate measures, developing and improving the HSE system.

Monitoring of the implementation of the Vision Zero Programme is included in the work plan of the permanent commission (PC). The PC monitors the programme, reveals and records the deficiencies, and provides recommendations and a final assessment.