Reducing associated gas
Reducing the amount of gas being flared and collecting the associated gas is an important part of our environmental responsibility projects. SOCAR considers the reduction of gas emissions, process gas losses, and various types of leaks in all segments of the value chain from production to distribution in the oil and gas industry, and attaches special importance to cooperation with international companies in this direction. Subsequently, the activities carried out in this field in the last 15 years and the results of the measures taken are as follows. SOCAR:
- Started a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory in all areas of activity in 2008;
- Prepared “Plan for SOCAR and its projects to reduce greenhouse gases for 2011-2015" and ensured its successful implementation;
- Adopted the "2010-2020 climate change mitigation strategy in SOCAR" and successfully completed its implementation;
- Was awarded “Excellence Award” of GGFR for the projects of glass utilisation 28 May OGPD’s “Guneshli” field “and Oil Rocks OGPD’s fields in 2012;
- Was awarded “Excellence Award” of GGFR together with BP for the successful implementation of the "Reducing of the amount of gas flaring in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli fields” project in 2015;
- Joined the World Bank’s Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 initiative and Methane Guiding Principles at the initiative of Shell and bp in 2019;
- Implemented the “Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) for Low-Carbon End-Use Sectors in Azerbaijan in 2017-2019;
- Approved the Plan for the reduction of associated gas in SOCAR projects and Action Measures in 2017-2022;
- Implemented the project Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR);
- Started working as a member of the State Commission on Climate Change;
- Approved the SOCAR 2021-2030: Low-carbon development strategy document;
In 2012, a low-pressure compressor station was put into operation in the Guneshli field to capture and use the gas produced in the mining areas of SOCAR. In addition, the well operation methods in a number of mines of Azneft PU were changed from the GL (gas-lift) method to Subsurface Rod Pump method.
Thus, as a result of the implementation of the low-pressure associated gas utilisation project in the 28 May OGPD’s “Gunashli” field and Oil Rocks OGPD’s fields, 250-280 million m3/year and 300-310 million m3 gas/year was collected in Oil Rocks OGPD and 28 May OGPD’s “Gunashli” field respectively, and delivered to consumers.
SOCAR 2021-2030: Low-carbon Development Strategy comprises the development of measures to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) by applying economically and environmentally efficient technologies. As a member of the State Commission on Climate Change, SOCAR has developed a corporate methodology for the calculation of the GHG. The methodology was reviewed in the Cabinet of Ministers and received a positive feedback for its application.
SOCAR has started the implementation of the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) project for the improvement of the corporate GHGs inventory system and realisation of the low-carbon development strategy. The project will help to improve the reports on the GHG inventory, increase the accuracy, digitisation and reduce the dependence on the human factor.