Environmental monitoring is the scientific basis for the quantitative and qualitative control of harmful gases, liquids, and solid wastes released into the environment as a result of natural and anthropogenic impacts. This monitoring consists of a system of regular observations and studies that determine their chemical composition, degree of contamination, radioactive, hydro-biological properties, physical and chemical properties in order to assess and forecast the conditions of air, water and soil environments.
Conducting ecological monitoring is regulated by the international conventions on protection of the marine environment (Oslo-Paris Convention, Tehran Framework Convention), Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan On Environmental Protection, Regulation on the rules of state monitoring of the environment and natural resources approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 90 dated the 1st of July 2004, as well as the requirements of SOCAR’s Environmental Policy document to determine the directions of practical activity in the field of environmental safety and efficient use of natural resources.
Complex environmental monitoring in SOCAR is carried out based on the relevant work plan:
- Comprehensive environmental monitoring;
- Monitoring of operations;
- According to the monitoring schedule together with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Comprehensive environmental monitoring is carried out by SOCAR and Environmental Monitoring Department of Ekol Engineering Services CJSC.
The Environmental Monitoring Department has an Ecological Research Expedition for field research and a Complex Research Laboratory for analytical analysis. The department has specialized personnel, all required equipment and resources for conducting complex environmental monitoring and laboratory analysis. The monitoring staff consists of professionals with special training, who participated in similar processes in the projects of international companies.
The research object of environmental monitoring covers SOCAR's oil and gas fields in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea and onshore oil and gas production departments, oil and gas processing and petrochemical enterprises, production areas of Operating Companies based on the Production Sharing Agreements and Joint Ventures.
During the monitoring of operations, visual observation of the potential effects of production processes on the environment is carried out. Environmental monitoring of operations in production areas is carried out every year based on the schedule jointly approved by SOCAR and MENR.
SOCAR’s environmental monitoring program includes the following directions that comply with the requirements of the Regulation On the Rules for State Monitoring of the Environment and Natural Resources:
- atmospheric air monitoring;
- monitoring of water bodies;
- soil monitoring;
- biological resources monitoring;
- radioactivity monitoring;
- monitoring of harmful physical effects on the environment;
- waste monitoring;
- sanitary-epidemiological monitoring; and
- monitoring of specially protected areas.
In the process of complex ecological monitoring, analyses are carried out on water and bottom sediment at stationary monitoring stations, the results are entered into the multi-year monitoring database, the dynamics of changes in ecological indicators are studied, analysed and proposals are prepared.