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Biodiversity conservation and landscaping

SOCAR conducts regular monitoring to conserve biodiversity in offshore and onshore areas where oil and gas operations are carried out, as well as to protect rare and endangered species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to reduce anthropogenic impacts, and takes appropriate landscaping measures to plant greenery in the areas which are on the balance of enterprises and to control the agro-technical maintenance of these plants.

The hydrobiological, physiological, pathomorphological, and ecotoxicological examinations study the species composition of animals and fish in the Caspian Sea and various water bodies, including hydrobionts (small aquatic organisms and algae), which make their main source of food, and determine the mass and ecological environment of each species. These hydrobionts, including zooplankton, phytoplankton, periphyton, and zoobenthos are taken with a bathometer, plankton net, and bottom sediment collection equipment, and the negative effects of pollutants in the sea on living species are investigated in the laboratory with a microscope.

The purpose of fauna research at the monitoring station is taxonomic analysis of amphibian, herpetological, ornithological, theriological species, and recording of data on the number of fauna species observed during research.

Study of wintering places, populations and migrations of water birds in SOCAR's areas of activity, and effects on nesting areas contribute to the further drawing up monitoring reports, researching the habitats of ornithological species, determining the number of nests, feed chain, etc.

Recording of the Red Book species during monitoring is one of the main requirements.

The review of the monitoring results conducted on the islands in Baku and the Absheron archipelago, the study of the dynamics of the observed species of fauna, the preparation of relevant reports, and the study of the environmental impact of the pollution level of the lakes and reservoirs in the Absheron peninsula on the existing species of fauna are considered among the important issues. The conducted monitoring results are compared with the previous results, the direction of the dynamics of biodiversity development is determined, and proposals are made for reducing the environmental effects.

Preparation of educational materials related to the preservation of "Red Book" species found in environmentally sensitive areas, as well as presentation materials and recommendations related to monitoring results and proposals are constantly under control.

Information about the Caspian seals is collected from local and international sources, their migration route is studied, and geographic distribution data is analysed by month. The decline of the seal population is considered a consequence of environmental problems. The study of this unique species is also included in the ecological monitoring program.

In 2011, an Ecological Park was established in the Khazar region of Baku city to clean the polluted areas from oil and waste, carry out greening works in these lands, and establish a modern form of society-ecology relations.

In addition to the greening and expansion, the main scope of activities of the Eko-Park Innovation Centre includes the cultivation of plants for planting greenery in the territories of SOCAR's departments, organizations and joint enterprises, increasing attention to environmental protection, educational activities with the aim of inculcating ecological habits, etc. The park area has a 5000 m2 greenhouse and a nursery plants area consisting of growing, seedling and adaptation units meeting modern requirements.

One of the biggest contributions of Eco Park is the reproduction of rare and endangered trees and shrubs in the Republic of Azerbaijan, especially the Absheron Peninsula. Endangered Eldar pine, Caspian tulip, Gulabshirin, Red tubulga, Pharmacy daffodils, Ordinary pomegranate, Baku chuzgun, Oriental plane, Chestnut leaf oak, Caucasian date, etc. are planted there.

A certain part of the energy supply of the Eko-Park Innovation Centre is supplied by alternative energy sources. Two biological treatment units have been installed for the treatment of domestic waste in the territory of the park. The water treated in these facilities is used for irrigation in the park area. At the same time, an appropriate system for collecting rainwater and using it for irrigation has been established in the park. There are also four wind turbines with a capacity of 10 kW/t each, and solar panels with a total capacity of 35 kW/t.

In 2019, 650,000 trees were planted in our country on the initiative of the First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva within the framework of the Year of the Azerbaijani poet Imamaddin Nasimi. SOCAR also joined the initiative and planted a total of 100,000 trees. In addition, 3,000 olive and pine trees were planted on 1.5 hectares of the Waste Management Centre.

On the 20th of September 2019, on the occasion of Oil Workers' Day and the 25th anniversary of the Contract of the Century, SOCAR departments and enterprises planted 19.141 trees and shrubs and 9,650 flowers. For the 1st of January 2022, the number of trees planted within the framework of greening measures carried out on the company's 700 ha area has reached 1 million 200 thousand.

The main goal of the works performed in this area is to minimize the negative effects on the environment in SOCAR's areas of activity, as well as to achieve mitigation of climate changes and anthropogenic effects on the existing natural complexes on the Absheron Peninsula by planting new forests that play the role of protecting and restoring biodiversity, and thus, to improve the environmental condition.